National Preparedness

National preparedness is a shared responsibility—everyone has a role to play to ensure that our nation can address its greatest risks.

By following the links presented here, you'll find information that will help the whole community understand what it means to be prepared and how to do it effectively. The first step is to understand the National Preparedness Goal. Once familiar with the Goal, you're ready to learn more. You'll find resources and information such as:

  • National Preparedness System. This outlines an organized process for the nation's preparedness efforts.
  • National Incident Management System. This provides a systematic, proactive approach to guide organizations in managing all types of incidents.
  • National Planning Frameworks. The National Planning Frameworks represent an important step forward in describing how all levels of government, the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, and the public at-large work together to build and sustain the capabilities we need to prevent, protect, mitigate against, respond to and recover from those threats and hazards.
  • National Preparedness Report. Released annually, this report shows our nation's progress on the Goal—our strengths and opportunities for improvement.

The nation's preparedness efforts are ongoing, so visit the sites regularly to see what new information and resources are posted. Together, we will ensure our nation is safe and resilient.

For more information please go to: 

Last modified 10/09/2024 at 4:27 PM