July 1, 2020 at 8:10 am

Amended Health Officer order issued

Imperial County Public Health officials received notification from State of California officials that they are in concurrence with the13-point plan developed by County Officials as part of their ongoing efforts to mitigate the local impacts of COVID-19 and to promote the health and safety of residents and visitors of Imperial County. As a result, the Imperial County Health Officer has issued an amended health order supporting those strategies. The order most notably includes changes to three key areas:

  • Non-essential Retail Businesses: Closed to in-store shopping, authorized for curbside pick-up only.
  • Religious Services: Indoor services prohibited, outdoor services will be limited to 100 participants, as long as they can implement social distancing measures.
  • County Parks: Closed to public access. Cities are strongly encouraged to close their parks as well.

Restrictions related to COVID-19 are often difficult to accept, but they have become necessary to ensure that we, as a community, all do our part to protect the health and safety of our families, friends, and neighbors. It is important that we all incorporate these guidelines into our everyday lives to stop the spread of COVID-19,” stated Imperial County Board Chairman, Luis Plancarte.

The newly amended order also reiterates existing guidelines:

  • Stay at home. Limit trips out only for essential tasks and activities as permitted by State and local health orders
  • Families are strongly encouraged to limit the number of family members visiting the store to one person per family for each visit.
  • Face coverings are required for all residents over the age of two years when in public spaces. The California Department of Public Health Guidance related to face coverings includes a list of additional exemptions. Please refer to the California Department of Public Health webpage (cdpha.ca.gov) for further information. Businesses are strongly encouraged to enforce face-covering requirements.
  • Practice social and physical distancing by staying at least six feet away from others to lessen the chances of getting sick or spreading illness.
  • Stay home when sick and avoid being around sick people.
  • All non-essential gatherings of any size are prohibited.
  • Telecommuting recommended as much as possible for all businesses.
  • Everyone is reminded to wash hands frequently, especially before eating or before touching mouth, eyes and nose.

Dr. Stephen Munday, Imperial County Health Officer, reminds residents of the importance of continuing to follow all of the state and local health orders, including the reminder that gatherings of any size are not permitted. “I’m appealing to everyone to make a commitment to protect those you love. Evidence has shown many COVID-19 infections can be traced back to large gatherings. This is especially important to keep in mind over the Fourth of July weekend. People in our community continue to get sick and continue to die from this virus. It is critical that we all remain proactive in order to slow the spread of COVID-19,” said Dr. Munday.

Governor Newsom also announced today guidance directing counties that have been on the State’s monitoring list for at least three consecutive days to close indoor operations for certain sectors. Dr. Munday pointed out, “While the businesses outlined in the guidance issued by the State are not businesses that have been able to reopen in our County, it does provide a stark reminder that COVID-19 continues to be prevalent in areas outside of our County. I would strongly encourage residents to reconsider non-essential trips for dining, shopping, and recreation in areas outside of Imperial County.”